Our friendliest-looking dog is without a doubt the most popular. The whimsical dog has a cartoonish design with a friendly smile. We have two main designs for this dog with one holding a frisbee in his mouth while the other is sticking out his goofy tongue. The most common event we see this inflatable dog used for is pet adoptions at dog pounds or events held by non profits.

The whimsical dog is by and large the most popular inflatable dog rental in our inventory. Maybe it's because it is not quite a real dog nor is it too much of an abstraction of a dog. This dog has been adapted into many sizes, shapes and colors. Some customers have had us even transform it into an entirely different dog for halloween by changing the color theme on it.
All in all, it can be customized to fit your needs and it's not just this dog but every inflatable dog. We can manufacture custom inflatables based on our existing designs or we can build a completely new one from scratch, just for you.